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Website Maintenance

Benefits with CodZinQ Web Maintenance Service
To keep your website fresh, new and relevant, regular content updates can be an inexpensive way to keep in contact with your clients. Modifications include...

A website needs to be treated in the same way that anyone takes care of their business, health, house or car. Launching a website is not the only task the next step would be its maintenance, and if ignored then your website is only nearing towards inactivity. After all, what is the use of a website that is not functioning well. The actual success of your online website or business presence will depend a lot on how well you are able to maintain it.

  • Updates are usually done within 2 to 24 hours (except holidays and weekends).
  • Although we make every effort to make accurate changes, it is the client's responsibility to review updates and notify us of any necessary changes that need to be made. We do not charge for changes that are our fault. However, if a change needs to be made due to client error, the regular hourly update fees will be charged.
  • "Maintenance" is defined as keeping the web site current. It is not intended to be a redesign or revamp.
  • We reserve the right to distinguish between "updates" and "new design". New design work is charged at our design rate.
  • Updates should be provided electronically (by email) as much as possible.



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Website Maintenance Rate

Rate Per Hour For Maintenance Work
USD $5 / INR 400 Up to 20 hours a month, Response time, 3- 5 business days.
USD $10 / INR 800 Up to 10 hours a month, Response time, 2- 3 business days.
USD $15 / INR 1200 Up to 10 hours a month, Response time, 1- 2 business days.
USD $20 / INR 1600 Up to 5 hours a month, Response time, 24 hours (business days)

Sending Your Modifications

Content Changes Unformatted text document or Microsoft Word document. Tabular data in an Excel spreadsheet
Images Unmodified, original hi-resolution images in a JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP or PSD format. Depending on their size, images may need to be upload to your drive and share with us.
Graphics & Logos Outlined vector graphics in a EPS, Coral or AI format
Prices & Rates Small changes in an unformatted text document or Microsoft Word document. Tabular data in an Excel spreadsheet

Want to contact with us?

CodZinQ Technologies – A Pioneering Leader in Web Design, Development, E-Commerce, Mobility and Digital Marketing services.